Thursday, March 4, 2010

Skiing and dogsledding

Sooooo, those ski legs I talked about, yeah, I left em at home or something. The legs were burning a little today, my ankles hurt, and I feel exhausted. Long day from 7 til about a half hour ago. With that said, it still freakin' rocks up here and I am getting paid to ski. And I thought as a kid I would be paid for hockey, who would of thought skiing or hiking was my road to success.

Had 8 participants on our trip, and most experienced their first time on a dogsled. Every single person absolutely loves this stuff. It makes it so much fun because the customers are always so ecstatic, always smiling.

The dogs steal the show, whether its cute, gross, insanity while they fight, or whatever, they steal the show. We had a few good fights on the trail today, even some blood drawn. When it happens we just jump in with our ski poles and start smacking those doggers up. Not abusing them, just to get them to stop. Another guide made the mistake of getting his hand in there and got a pretty good bite. Another dog today on another team had puppies on trail...guess its not that uncommon as nobody knew she was prego.

So I never thought I'd say this, but this weather of 35 degrees is way too hot! Sticky snow, tired dogs, and sweaty balls wear the treads off quicker, so a slight drop in temperature to below freezing would be nice. It might help my skiing. I figured out today my feet angle outward, making it quite tough to x-country ski without groomed trails. My ski's are flying every which way and it drove me nuts. I remember this from last year too, and hope it goes away after I find my groove.

One sad spot today as we were cruising along just enjoying the scenery and we hear all this loud tractor noise. As we come around the corner about 20-40 acres of land was completely clear cut. Just a giant hole in the middle of the forest. Ugly, ugly, ugly! As you can see in the pic. So please recycle your damn paper so we can keep these atrocities to a minimum. It's easy not to think about when you don't see it like this, but when I came across it, man did it make me wonder. I know we need paper, building supplies, etc...but most of us are wasters, and paper is something we can have some control over. No matter if it costs more energy to recycle, at least we'll have some tree's left. And it's basic responsibility 101. Once our energy goes sustainable, the energy thing won't matter anyway. So just recycle your shit, it will help. We are actually logging tree's in the United States more rapidly then the Rain Forest, and its at an alarming rate. Something to think about. Screw the monkeys in the Amazon, save trees for the beavers in our own backyard.

Peace out dudes.

1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff. I'm so glad you're documenting this time. It will serve you well. I love the parallel between putting two skis in the track, pointed towards a destination and the vision you have for your own future.

    Stay on track.
    Love you Max!
