Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Changing of seasons

The season finally came to an end up in Ely with guides, dogs, and all moving into spring with fresh, new, and exciting adventures ahead. The sled dog season ended quickly as warmer temps and sunshine sealed the deal for the end. Although a lucky few continued on traveling north to the Arctic Circle for a two week excursion ending up near Churchill nestled in Hudson Bay. As I write this they are trekking through Polar Bear Provincial Park, find adventure and extending winter fun.

For most other guides and myself, we move on to spring/summer season. This particular time of year seems to be a transitional period for many until the true busy season of summer hits us. So as I sit here in my transitional season I will continue to work in Minneapolis at Clean Water Action and finish my semester of school. This seems to be a struggle lately and I've found it hard to focus on studying. Like most others during springtime, my mind wonders dangerously into daydreaming mode, and for me my mind dreams of adventures. So what's next?

Well some adventure continues as I'm working for Wilderness Inquiry this summer guiding some of their many awesome trips, which the first is a sweet paddle following part of the Lewis and Clark expedition on the Missouri River. I also plan on finding time for myself to scrap the knuckles on rocks and train for some serious climbing later in the year. I am hoping to find a way to do a month long trek out west climbing with a few buddies. From early talks, it sounds like Red Rocks just outside of Vegas is high on the list, then Utah and possibly California all in search of bluebird days, big meaty jugular holds, and a piece of epicosity as some friends of mine would say.

Right now this is the hopes for my immediate future, while I plan on some more Ely dogsledding in December...

This is Pittackleton signing off...may your future be filled with smiles and adventures!

Stay tuned for more coming soon!